CLUE: Reparations Now!
Let’s Pass This First-Ever Package of Reparations Legislation in California in 2024!
In 2023 the California Reparations Task Force completed a 1,000+ page report on the horrific history and effects of slavery in the state of California, a stain on our nation that to this day has had dramatic repercussions for the descendants of those people America enslaved. To conclude their report, the CA Reparations Task Force offered over 100 common-sense recommendations for reparatory legislation that could start to right this immeasurable wrong.
In 2024, some brave California legislators finally proposed 19 bills that — if passed — would begin to make reparations in our state a reality, and would make California the first state to do so! All other states’ eyes are on California watching to see if we’re successful, and to determine whether they too will pick up the fight. Will faith community rise to the occasion to ensure comprehensive reparations legislation is finally enacted?
Beginning in 2023, Clergy & Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE) began organizing faith community across SoCal to support this landmark, life-changing, grossly overdue reparations legislation. We are working closely with Kamilah V. Moore, former Chair of the California Reparations Task Force, to get anti-racists of faith in SoCal educated and mobilized. We urge clergy and lay leaders throughout the state to mobilize their congregants and community to demand their legislators pass these crucial bills!
To receive action alerts and get involved, please sign-up at!
If you would like to setup a faith community presentation or webinar with Ms. Moore, please contact Adam Overton at [email protected].
We are so grateful to be collaborating with the following partners on educating and mobilizing our community:
- The Pacifica Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
- Tapestry Unitarian Universalist Congregation
- The Southern California Nevada Conference of the United Church of Christ
- more partners coming soon…
- View CLUE’s full handout listing 2024 CA reparations bills, the task force report, videos, and links
- CLUE’s Reparations NOW! Youtube Playlist
- Full Report – The California Reparations Report – Final Report (1,080 pages)
- Executive Summary – The California Reparations Report – Final Report (74 pages)
Past Events

Sunday, October 15th, 2023, 3-5pm

Reparations Now!
A Faith-Rooted Conversation on the CA Reparations Task Force’s Findings, Proposals and Next Steps
Harbor Christian Church
2401 Irvine Ave, Newport Beach, CA 92660
Featured Panelists and Special Guests:
- Kamilah Moore, Chair of the California Reparations Task Force
- Rev. Lamont Hartman, Founding Pastor, Reconcile Church in Santa Ana
- Gernaro Waheed, Sahaba Initiative
- with poetry by Peacock Secrets and music by James Tyler, Jr.
Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE) educates, organizes, and mobilizes the faith community to accompany workers and their families in their struggle for good jobs, dignity, and justice. Based in Los Angeles and Orange Counties, CLUE is committed to organizing our community to ensure that reparatory legislation becomes a reality in California.