Since Spring of 2023, faith leaders and community members have been accompanying hospitality workers across Southern California in their struggle to be able to live where they work and to help build healthier communities for all of us.
As we move through March 2024, we want to share some great news and the continued struggle.
See our February Scoreboard for victories 1-29!
Hotel Figueroa Boycott
On March 6, 2024, CLUE clergy members, along with UNITE HERE Local 11 and hotel workers called for a boycott of the hotel and hospitality group at a press conference in front of Hotel Figueroa. They then presented a letter to hotel management signed by more than 500 community members expressing solidarity and concern for the Figueroa 100: “We call on you to immediately offer to return the workers to their employment at the hotel and compensate them for time missed.”

Holy Week Actions
On Maundy Thursday, faith leaders joined Hotel Maya workers in a sacred action in support of hotel workers who have faced violence on the picket line while peacefully protesting for their dignity and livelihood. Prayers were offered and clergy and community leaders carried out the ancient Maundy Thursday ritual of foot washing—washing the feet of hotel workers in front of the Hotel Maya, as Jesus washed the feet of his disciples.
This sacred ritual is an act of blessing and an affirmation of their dignity. These workers use their hands and feet to faithfully have served guests for years only to be met with low wages and even physical violence on the picket line. We as a community bless these hands and feet and demand justice for hospitality workers and their families.

Stations of the Worker’s Cross
On March 29, 2024, we walked with hospitality workers from the Hotel Figueroa on their own “Via Crucis”. Through that action, we remembered how the Passion of Christ continues in the denial of workers’ rights and dignity in Los Angeles today.
Sacred Witness of Silence Breakers
Friday, March 29, 2024 – in downtown Santa Monica at Hampton Inn & Suites, CLUE stood in solidarity with the women who have spoken up about sexual assault and lack of safety in the workplace. The workers publicly called on Aimbridge Hospitality to address their concerns and do the right thing to live up to the values of our city – dignity, equity, and justice.

Victories #30-34!
Seven months into their labor disputes, 650 workers at another five hotels have settled tentative contracts with owners. The new contracts will mean higher wages, better pensions, and increased investments in healthcare.
CLUE continues to accompany workers at many of the remaining two dozen hotels in Los Angeles and Orange Counties.