June 2022 Full Newsletter
17 June 2022YRLF *Interfaith Vigils * CNA workers * Terranea workers *Immigration and more
YRLF *Interfaith Vigils * CNA workers * Terranea workers *Immigration and more
During the worst of the COVID pandemic, our sisters and brothers who work in the grocery chains kept the shelves stocked, worked as cashiers, and staffed the deli and meat counters. In short, they helped us get our food. They did this at real risk to their own health. Some of them died.
Grocery Workers Win * Architects of Justice Early Bird Tickets * Black and Brown Clergy and Community Coalition Supports County Workers * Boycott Chateau Marmont and more
As global turmoil continues to dominate headlines, we pray for peace across the world (because we must). And we work to create justice here in our backyard (because we can).
Indeed, CLUE supporters are engaging in the vital local work of organizing for just and fair workplaces all across Southern California.
Call to Support Grocery Workers * Stand With Hotel Workers * Bakery Workers and Bus Drivers Win * Welcome CLUE’s Newest Member * And More
Upcoming Events * Wins for Healthcare Workers * Port Truck Drivers, Chateau Marmont and Kingspan Workers Continue to Seek Justice * Check the Sheriff Coalition
Click here to view this email in your browser. February 2022 News Dear Friend, In the spirit of this season of love we want to open our February Newsletter with a special Valentine to CLUE Members. Whether you have supported CLUE at a special event, given to the annual fund, or have joined
January 2022 News Dear Friend, We want to take a moment to thank every single CLUE member who turned out to donate during CLUE’s year-end campaign (as well as each of our wonderful sustaining supporters who give month-in-and-month out)! All religions believe in economic justice. And it’s people like you who help connect
Santa Monica Hotel Housekeepers win big! * Join us for a “CLUE B’SHEVAT SEDER” Sun, Jan 16, 2022 * Shut Down Adelanto * COVID Safety Outreach continues
If You Read Nothing Else, Read This: The campaign for a safer working environment continues at Kingspan Light and Air. Micaias and his co-workers need your help. Please sign a letter of support that they will submit to their employer. * Clergy turn out in the effort to strengthen rent control in Long Beach, winning increased protection for renters. And residents win a years-long struggle to establish rent control in Santa Ana. * CLUE supports Long Beach truck drivers, struggling to make ends meet, with a toy drive in December. You can help. * Clergy join low-wage workers in Anaheim stand up to West Anaheim Medical Center, demanding proper staffing and better wages.