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Opening Prayer | Unite Here Local 11 and Local Hotel Reps | Rabbi Neil Comess-Daniels | Rabbi Emeritus, Beth Shir Shalom, Santa Monica Within the…
State Senator María Elena Durazo remembers songs, sit-ins, and so many lessons learned rom Rev. Lawson that helped transform the lives of low-wage workers in…
Kent Wong remembers the transformation of the Los Angeles labor movement with the birth of the “Holman Group.”Read More…
El LA Welcomes Collective ha dado la bienvenida a 14 autobuses llenos de migrantes enviados desde Texas.
Mientras que el gobernador de Texas no proporciona ninguna…
Rev. Jim Conn remembers how in the ’70s Rev. Lawson helped move the United Methodist Church to advocate for social justice.Read More…
Rev. Gary Bernard Williams reflects on being mentored by Rev. James Lawson over the decades.Read More…
The LA Welcomes Collective has now welcomed in 14 busloads of migrant families sent from Texas.
While the Texas governor provides no warning or support…
Rabbi Neil Comess-Daniels reflects on the days when CLUE was being formed, and Rev. Lawson’s vision and eloquence.Read More…
Vivian Rothstein’s connection to Rev. Lawson dates back to 1965’s Freedom Summer. Nearly 60 years later, she’ still inspired by his work and life.Read More…