Yes to Citizenship
On October 7, CLUE joined Senator MarĂa Elena Durazo, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA), Asian Americans Advancing Justice, and other immigrant rights organizations in an act of civil disobedience. They were arrested as they demanded that Vice President Kamala Harris include as many immigrants as possible by any means available in the Build Back Better reconciliation package.
South Orange County Public Witness
Yes to Citizenship South OC Public Witness
The week of September on the days of the 14th, 15th, and 16th faith leaders part of the Interfaith Justice Collaborative of South Orange County gathered to give witness to their faith on the streets to demonstrate our plea to the YES to CITIZENSHIP campaign statewide. CLUE cosponsored and supported with clergy to be present and advocate on the streets of Irvine and San Juan Capistrano for our immigrant neighbors.
Rise Up for Black Migrants
On October 1, CLUE united with the Haitian Bridge Alliance, Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI), Cameroon Advocacy Network, Black Lives Matter, the OC Rapid Response Network, VietRise, the Korean Resource Center, National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON), and many immigrant rights organizations to demand an end to the mass deportation and anti-Black violence on Haitian Migranrs at the border.
Fullerton Car Rally
On Saturday the 18th, the culmination of the actions during the week landed at St Philip Benizi Catholic Church in Fullerton. CLUE also cosponsored the event with outreach and programming support. We were able to have Imam Tarek from the Orange County Islamic Foundation from Mission Viejo give the opening blessing to all the riders as pictured above.
Shut Down Adelanto Coalition
For information, please contact Guillermo Torres at [email protected]