Rising Religious Leaders
The Young Religious Leaders Fellowship (YRLF) is a dynamic fellowship program that combines weekly cohort meetings with supervised hands-on community organizing to develop future and current leaders to make a faith-based contribution to economic justice work
Join the 2025 Summer Young Religious Leaders Fellowship and work alongside experienced community organizers and faith leaders in the fight for a just economy! 2024 YRLF fellows gather for an ICE Out of OC summer…
CLUE is delighted to announce the arrival of our latest fellows, who will participate in a rigorous training program in faith-rooted organizing and contribute to a crucial social justice campaign led by an experienced organizer. …
YRLF-CLUE Fellows Graduate have become Certified Faith-Rooted Organizers! Our talented fellows have successfully completed an intensive summer program and are now certified to make a difference in faith-rooted organizing. These are what our Young Religious…
July 12, 2023 Young Religious Leaders Fellows joined UNITE HERE Local 11 and hundreds of striking LAX-area hotel workers for a march on Century Boulevard, demanding a life-changing contract for hospitality workers and affordable housing for all Californians…
CLUE is delighted to announce the arrival of our latest fellows, who will participate in a rigorous training program in faith-rooted organizing and contribute to a crucial social justice campaign led by an experienced organizer. …