Four Points by Sheraton
Los Angeles Int’l Airport
9750 Airport Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Sponsorships and tickets available at www.cluejustice.org/goj2023
Celebrating 30 years of advancing policies that improve the lives and livelihoods of low-wage workers, immigrants, and communities of color.
A prophetic voice and unparalleled community organizer celebrating two decades of growing clergy and community activists in the movement for economic justice.
John Pulvino – Lifetime Award Recipient
Catholic human rights activist, pillar of the Long Beach CLUE Committee, and founding member of the Filipino Migrant Center.
This year’s Giants of Justice Awards will spotlight leaders who have woven together a powerful movement for justice over the course of decades!
Join us as for an inspiring morning to benefit CLUE and fuel the organized, connected, interfaith movement for justice in Los Angeles!
When we stand in solidarity, lifting up the dignity of workers and immigrants and demanding justice in the workplace, we win! And people’s lives are transformed.